
Software Engineer

+44 7741836158


I'm a Senior Software Engineer with over ten years of experience specialising in Apple and Frontend technologies. Currently, I am working as a Senior Software Engineer at Zuhlke and worked on the NHS COVID-19 App as an iOS Tech Lead, an Onboarding flow for a UK-based retail bank with over 1.4 million customers, and an SDK for a SaMD so far.

I also have some apps on the AppStore which you can check out at https://apple.co/3K7kh3C.


  • iOS Fastfile
    Open Source
    My generic fastlane setup that takes care of associated groups, extensions, code signing using match for both developer and enterprise applications


  • September 2020 - Present
    Senior iOS Engineer
    • As an iOS Tech Lead on the UK NHS Covid - 19 iOS App, I helped build all the features around the isolation and exposure notification framework.
    • Implemented Remote Logger to send logs to a mac app in real time using Bonjour services.
    • Involved in extensive UI Testing in NHS Covid - 19 app with automated screenshot capturing to generate reports with every release for product owners.
    • Worked on an onboarding flow of a banking application that had multiple API requests and user data caching to allow back navigation.
    • Created an SDK for Class III Software as a Medical Device using CoreBluetooth and WolfSSL over BLE to enable mutual authentication and encryption.
  • July 2018 - August 2019
    Senior iOS Engineer
    • Implemented Uber RIBs pattern in Onboarding module
    • Developed and maintained Gold, Store Discovery, Billpay and Recharge modules
    • Developed patterns to create UIViews in a composable, reactive manner.
    • Led and managed the iOS Team to iteratively deliver UI Module of the application.
  • November 2017 - June 2018
    iOS Engineer
    • Re-designed iCloud Backup and Restore module in Swift
    • Fixed bugs and added new features in Onboarding and Chat modules
    • Automated the deployment of the Hike iOS application using fastlane
    • Setup CI/CD pipeline using Circle CI
    • Led and managed the QA team to develop XCUITests
  • August 2015 - November 2016
    iOS Engineer
    Pronto IT Labs
    • Built Employer and JobSeeker Apps from scratch and published to AppStore
    • Mentored and reviewed code of team members
    • Won TieCon Hackathon for building an indoor location map using iBeacon and CoreLocation
  • May 2014 - August 2015
    iOS Engineer
    • Fixed bugs and added new features in DRA and SIMN applications
    • Participated in Intel IoT Hackathon and built a smart soul with knock sensor, Edison board and BLE
  • March 2013 - May 2014
    • Took Stanford University's CS193p (Developing Applications for iOS)
    • Built TBNEurope application from scratch and published to AppStore
    • Built Montcalm application from scratch and published to AppStore


  • September 2019 - September 2020
    Msc Software Engineering
    University of Manchester
  • August 2010 - August 2013
    Bachelor of Computer Applications
    Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University


  • Restofire Design and Motivation
    NSManchester @ Aereworks
    Talked about Restofire from a business point of view where we have low investment and high returns.
  • Advanced Swift Workshop
    try! Swift, Bangalore
    Conducted a full day workshop on Advanced Swift Concepts
    • Functional Programming - Map, Filter and Reduce
    • Protocols and Generics, Type Erasures
    • Value vs Reference, Copy On Write
    • Memory Management - Memory Layout, Unsafe Swift
  • Progressive iOS Architectures
    Swift India @ PhonePe
    Talked about how to start with MVC and mix and match patterns like Coordinator, Interactor and Router as the complexity grows.
  • Library Oriented Programming
    Swift India @ Hike
    Talked about how to build and integrate libraries using Swift inside Xcode.
  • Networking using Restofire
    Swift India @ Hike
    Talked about Declarative Networking in Swift using Restofire
  • Networking using Restofire
    Thoughtworks, Gurgaon
    Talked about Declarative Networking in Swift using Restofire


Design Patterns
Data Structures
Functional Reactive Programming
Problem Solving
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